Project Manager
Варна, Пловдив, София, други в България, работа от вкъщи
длъжност на пълно работно време

Project Manager

Варна, Пловдив, София, други в България, работа от вкъщи длъжност на пълно работно време

За нас

От основаването си през 2020 г., DGTal Apps се ангажира с дигитализацията на различни индустрии, предлагайки иновативни решения, които трансформират бизнес процесите. Разполагаме с богат екип от висококвалифицирани инженери, които имат обширен опит в разработването на цифрови продукти и услуги. Нашите решения са проектирани да улесняват интеграцията, подобряват ефективността и максимизират рентабилността в разнообразни сектори като здравеопазване, финанси, образование и търговия.


What You'll Do:

Plan, initiate, and manage IT projects, aligning them with business goals.
Coordinate internal resources and third parties/vendors for the flawless execution of projects.
Ensure that all projects are delivered on-time, within scope, and within budget.
Develop project scopes and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders and ensuring technical feasibility.
Measure project performance using appropriate systems, tools, and techniques.

Изисквания и необходими умения

Skills & Qualifications:

Proven working experience as a project manager in the information technology sector.
Strong understanding of project management methodologies, tools, and phases of the project lifecycle.
Excellent client-facing and internal communication skills.
Solid organisational skills including attention to detail and multitasking abilities.
Experience with project management software tools, methodologies, and best practices.

PMP / PRINCE II certification is a plus.
Familiarity with software development processes and Agile methodologies.
Experience in managing stakeholders and balancing competing demands.

Ние Ви предлагаме

What We Offer:

Competitive Salary: Attractive compensation package commensurate with your experience and skills.
Professional Growth: Opportunities for professional development, including workshops, courses, and conferences.

Innovative Culture: Be part of a creative and innovative work environment where your ideas and contributions are valued.
Work-Life Balance: Flexible working hours and a supportive team to ensure a healthy work-life balance.

Информация за контакт

Телефон: 0899165075

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