Pressreleases and JobTiger start a partnership and will offer integrated services

Friday, 16 December 2011
The partnership begins at the moment JobTiger turns 10 years, and Probook registers its 100 000 member after only six months work.

Apply with LinkedIn Button The first professional network and the first career website in Bulgaria - JobTiger will cooperate in the development of their projects. The integration of both platforms started, the  first step in this integration being the button"Apply through Probook" in the job posts published in JobTiger, and the possibility of completing professional tests when applying for a job.

The two organizations will cooperate in organizing special events in the field of human resources.

The new partnership begins at a key moment for both companies. In were registered 100,000 users after only six months of work and this year JobTiger turned 10 years since its establishment and invested in many new projects for the company, the most remarkable of which is a company for HR audit. is a social network with a fully professional approach which enables its members to communicate, share in different ways and discuss, issues of their professional life. This is a forum for people in working age. In addition to job postings in Probook can be formed groups of interest. The sections are "Groups", "FAQ", "Events", "News", "Work" and "Polls"

JobTiger is a career website and HR company that offers a full set of services in human resources area.

You can receive more information from the teams of JobTiger – tel. 02/491 80 00 and e-mail: or ProBook - tel: 0877/762665 and e-mail:
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