Булмаг АД
София www.bulmag.bg


Bulmag AD was founded in January 1991 as a Bulgarian-Hungarian Ltd (where from the company’s name: BULgarian MAGyar). In 2003 the company was reorganized into a joint stock company (in Bulgarian - AD).

The company business is a response to the strong demand here for higher quality and more reliable IT products. Bulmag AD became one of IBM® Business Partners in the country in 1992 at the level of Solution Provider.

Main Activities

Bulmag AD is providing to clients IT System integration elements in various combinations: Hardware & Software Delivery, Professional Services, Consultations Rendering, Training, Authorized Warranty (Lenovo Think, NetApp, Datecs, Pax) and Post-Warranty Service Provider, Servicing and Maintenance, Specific Solutions Development, Design and Implementation.

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