Center Stars
Sofia 5 - 10 employees


We DO Language Recruitment!

We support the BPO community and all the people who want to benefit from their language skills.

If you want to check your English level click here

Who are we?

Center Stars is specialized in the field of language and BPO recruitment, providing innovative solutions to companies looking for people with various languages skillset. We can offer alternative solutions for each language group in order to quickly and effectively meet the needs of our customers. Learn more about our services below.

How we work?

We partner with businesses that require employees, are advanced in different languages, or aim to expand their teams rapidly. We provide overall solutions so businesses can quickly and efficiently hire ready and reliable people to fill vacancies.

Languages we hire for:

Languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian, Romanian, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak, Croatian, Estonian, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese …and others

Job profiles we hire for:

Function: Customer support, Technical support, System and network support, Finance and accounting, Sales, Marketing; 

Level: Senior and Mid-level Managers, Team Leads, Junior, Regular, and Senior Specialists, Interns, Admin roles

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