
Virtual career days - the event that gives new opportunities in the labor market!

Thursday, 21 May 2020
Only on June 16 from 11:00 to 17:00, online.
Less than a month until Virtual Career Days 2020 - a form of career event that until mid-March was rather an innovative way to present your company to job seekers, today is a norm that is increasingly helping us to develop.

Възможностите за среща с бъдещия работодател са налице. Събитието ще се проведе на 16 юни от 11:00 до 17:00 часа, изцяло онлайн. Това е единственото кариерно събитие в страната в условията на здравна и икономическа криза и представлява уникална възможност за хората да срещнат нови работодатели. The opportunities to meet your future employer are all available. The event will take place on June 16 from 11:00 to 17:00, entirely online. This is the only career event in the country in the conditions of health and economic crisis and represents a unique opportunity for people to meet new employers.

Виртуални дни на кариерата се организира от компанията за комплексни HR услуги JobTiger.

See more about the event:

For more information, contact JobTiger team:

T: +359 2 49 180 10
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