Pressreleases created an ads filter "suitable for refugees"

Friday, 04 March 2022

Job ads for suitable refugee positions can be published free of charge and will be easier to be find by applicants.

The first site for job ads in Bulgaria - is empathetic to the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. For more than 20 years, the company's mission has been to create value for job seekers, businesses and society.

In this difficult situation, JobTiger team wants to lend a hand to all of those people, who need an asylum in Bulgaria. After the first care for life safety and basic support, comes the need of decent work and social integration.

That is why has already had a filter for searching job ads  - "suitable for refugees".

This function aims to connect all employers who have open positions suitable for refugees and job seekers in the country.

Every employer can publish a free job ad marked that the position is "suitable for refugees".

The ads will be distributed and displayed on the website, and will be announced additionally on the company's social networks and channels.

The JobTiger team appeals to all employers who have suitable open vacancies - to post their ads and use the feature. We believe that, with even more united and systematic actions, we will be able to be more useful to people in need.

In the last few days, a large part of Bulgarian organizations, companies and warm-hearted people are joining forces to help in the humanitarian crisis. JobTiger joins these efforts to help the work integration of all those seeking shelter in our country. The possibility of a decent livelihood is key to overcoming difficulties.

For more information: the JobTiger team is at your disposal at: +359 2 49180 00 and email: You could also reach us through our  Facebook è LinkedIn pages.

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