Angiologist, Lorraine, France
други в чужбина
длъжност на пълно работно време

Angiologist, Lorraine, France

други в чужбина длъжност на пълно работно време


For our client, a public hospital of 600+ beds located in the Lorraine region (near Nancy), we are looking for an angiologist who can also operate in addition to his consultation activity.

Remuneration & benefits:
5000 EUR net/month fixed

Requirements & expectations:
Specialty diploma in angiology + minimum French B2

Изисквания и необходими умения

Please send your CV mentioning reference code AG-729 at
Tel.: +44 20 8144 2822
Contact person: Vitaly Pryadka

Информация за контакт

Телефон: +44 20 8144 2822

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