Consultant Oncologist, Ireland
други в чужбина
длъжност на пълно работно време
Над 5000 лв.

Consultant Oncologist, Ireland

други в чужбина длъжност на пълно работно време Над 5000 лв.


Are you an experienced specialist in Oncology who is eager to begin a new challenge and has an interest in huge earning potential?
If you are passionate about medicine and have marked experience as a specialist in this field, could this be the job for you? Joining this team you will exhibit your specialised talent whilst broadening your skills and knowledge in a dynamic work place.

Изисквания и необходими умения

– Specialist training in Oncology
– Willingness to re-locate to Ireland if currently not residing here
– Marked experience in Oncology and relevant memberships desirable
The salary for this role mirrors the Irish public contract at a range of
222,215- 266,925 euros per annum.
Location: Kerry, Ireland

To Apply:
Please send your CV mentioning reference M-210 at
Tel.: +44 20 8144 2822
Contact person: Vitaly Pryadka

Информация за контакт

Телефон: +44 20 8144 2822

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