A week after announcing the start of the project "Building capacity for the future - conducting internships in State administration" there are 899 specified internship positions in 189 administrative structures in 111 cities all over Bulgaria.
The project aims to provide internship opportunities for more than 400 talented Bulgarian students in the structures of State administration throughout the country. The interest of State administration, however, significantly exceeds the set positions - the 881 submitted requests speak clearly about the need of similar initiatives at national level.
The internships will be conducted in two phases between September and November 2012. The first stage is from September, 17 to October, 17 , the second - from October, 29 to November, 29 this year. Until 15th of August all Bulgarian students with active student rights can apply online at:
www.jobtiger.bg/staj where they can find all open internship positions, participation conditions, and documents for application.
For the second stage the open internship positions will be published in especially designed for the project web portal.
Despite the height of the summer, during the first week of the campaign only, more than 170 students have submitted their applications and CVs in 31 professional fields, for 25 cities. The largest interest is in subjects like Administration and Management, Economics and IT (Information Technology and Computer Science and Communications and Computer Technology).
Immediately after them are subjects like Political Science, Architecture, Construction and Geodesy, Social services. Among the most attractive cities for internship among students are Sofia, Varna, Plovdiv, Veliko Tarnovo and Burgas.
The internship program involves a one-month unpaid internship with focus on the acquisition of practical experience, new skills and the culture and atmosphere in the State administration.
The requirements for candidates are to be with active rights, students in higher school institution in Bulgaria or abroad; to have completed their second year at the time of application; the subject of their study to correspond to the internship position they are applying for; average grade until now - over 4.00; willingness to work, personal development and learning, excellent communication and organizational skills, good computer skills.
Necessary documents for application are: application form where students specify the administrative structure, the internship position they apply for; average grade until now; and CV in Bulgarian /Europass form/ which can be downloaded from
Deadline for applications - August 15, 2012. With the shortlisted candidates will be carried out tests and the candidates with best performance will be invited to interviews in the administrative structures in the period August 25th – September 5th, 2012.
The second stage of the internship program will start immediately after the first group of interns completes their internship. The period of the second stage is from October, 29 to November, 29 2012.
For the second stage there are over 800 internships requested by the State administration and the number still raises.