
Програма на JobTiger за подпомагане трудовата реализация на хора в неравностойно положение

Tuesday, 29 April 2003
Във връзка с 5 май – международен ден на хората с увреждания, JobTiger обявява програма за подпомагане на хората в неравностойно положение. Програмата ще стартира в средата на месец май с промени в софтуера на, така че хората с увреждания и трайно безработните при желание да могат да се регистрират като такива, съпроводени от широка разяснителна кампания сред работодателите за предимствата при наемане на такива хора.

Пресконференция по повод: "КАРИЕРИ 2003"

Tuesday, 08 April 2003
На 09.04.2003 г., сряда, от 12.00 ч. в Пресклуба на БТА ще се проведе пресконференция по повод предстоящия форум “Кариери 2003”, организиран от JobTiger ООД и Министерството на икономиката, програма "Българската мечта". На пресконференцията освен организаторите ще присъстват и представители на Българска Пощенска Банка, реализирала досега четири Стажантски програми и участник в миналогодишния форум “Кариери 2002”, както и студенти, взели участие в стажове, които да споделят своя опит.

A web page of the Coming Home project was created

Tuesday, 18 March 2003
A web page of the Coming Home project, a joint initiative of the Ministry of Economy, the Agency for Bulgarians Abroad and JobTiger OOD, was created. The site is on the following address: and is a part of the Internet job exchange Inside can be found description of the project, its aim, up-to-date information about the labour market situation in our country, based on statistics from the job openings, posted in JobTiger.

Careers 2003 – the opportunity to choose

Wednesday, 26 February 2003
On April 14th-15th, 2003 in the WTC “Interpred” for a second year will take place a forum “CAREERS 2003”. The organizers are the program “Bulgarian Dream” of the Ministry of Economy and JobTiger, with Capital and Dnevnik newspapers as media partners. The aim is to cooperate the efforts in finding new opportunities for professional realization of students and young graduates, as well as to assist the employers in the trainees and personnel recruitment process.

Applying for jobs via SMS

Tuesday, 11 February 2003
M-tel’s subscribers are already receiving information for job vacancies and can apply for them directly via SMS. The service is developed together with - one of the most popular Internet sites for recruiting. This service gives M-tel’s subscribers the advantage to be informed about a new job opening just minutes after its activation and to apply for it via SMS if he/she wants to.

Job Ads in the Teletext of BNT

Tuesday, 04 February 2003
From 5th February, 2003 on page 225 of the Teletext of Channel 1 (Bulgarian National Television) you can find all active job vacancies published on

JobTiger has signed an Agreement called "Coming Home" with the Bulgarian Dream Program of the Ministry of Economy and the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad.

Tuesday, 21 January 2003
An agreement for "Coming Home" project was signed by the Vice-premier and Minister of Economy Nikolay Vassilev, the Head of the State agency of Bulgarians abroad Anton Piralkov and the Manager of JobTiger OOD Thomas Higgins. Information about the Project.

We are signing agreement for "Coming Home" project

Monday, 20 January 2003
Sofia, January 21th, 2003. An agreement for "Coming Home" project will be signed by the Vice-premier and Minister of Economy Nikolay Vassilev, the Head of the State agency of Bulgarians abroad Anton Piralkov and the Manager of JobTiger OOD Thomas Higgins.

JobTiger trains WAT-participants

Friday, 17 January 2003
On the 20th and 21st of January, in the University for National and World Economy, Sofia, JobTiger will train for free the Work & Travel USA (WAT) participants of Usit Colours - agency for students travellings. JobTiger specialists will advise the students on how to write professionally their CV, how to act in an interview, and what to lay an emphasis on.

New Section “Courses, Professional Trainings, Internships and Scholarships” in JobTiger

Monday, 13 January 2003
From the beginning of the year there is a web page in the Bulgarian Internet where on a single place is gathered up-to-date information about courses, professional trainings, internships and scholarships. Its target audience is the people, searching for additional qualification, internship position or a scholarship for their education.
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